Saturday, 15 August 2009

I am who I am

I am not perfect. Far from it actually. I do not have a perfect complexion. I do not have a really really skinny waste. I do not have salon beautiful hair. I am not black head free. My legs are not a perfect shape. I do not have perfectly shaped toes or feet. I don’t have great boobs or a great bum. I do not have a perfectly shaped eye brows or straight teeth. I am not just the right height. But I’ll tell you what I do have. I have a saviour that loves me with an unrelenting, undying, unshakeable and unconditional love. I have a saviour that has fought death and died for me. I have a saviour who has redeemed me and who has given me a wonderful life. I have a saviour who has blessed me. I have a saviour who runs after me and wants to have a relationship with me. I have a saviour who has redeemed and saved me. I have a saviour who is reigning over everything. I have a saviour who freely forgives me. I have a saviour who smiles because of me. I have a saviour who sees me as perfect.
I would never ever trade being perfect for what I have right now.

I am happy with who God has made me. Full stop. I will not be told other wise.
The media is constantly telling us how to look better or what we can do to improve or solve or irregularities. It never tells us that we are okay just as we are. It never allows us to stay just as we are. Instead it tells us that we need to keep improving ourselves.
God says NO. God tells us that we are already great just as we are. He already sees us as perfect. God says that you do not need to do anything else to make yourself more attractive to him.

The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing
Zephaniah 3 v 17 NIV

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
Psalm 139 NIV

We have a God who sings about us in delight. We have a God who thinks beautiful and immeasurable thought about us. We have a God who has made us and knows every little detail about us.

“ I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.”

Make sure you do know that full well. Take it into your heart. Let his love and admiration for you hug you tight. And stop trying to make yourself into a “perfect version.” God has made you into what you are supposed to be- a perfect version of you. :)

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Beauty and the Beast

It is so often the case that beauty and brokeness/uglyness exist side by side. I see it on my way to college- a beautiful flower by some graffiti or on TV- a smiling and laughing African child who is smiling and laughing amongst so much pain. It is part of our redemption- Although Jesus was on the cross blooded, sweaty and scared he was still beautiful. He was “broken yet glorious.”
I see it in the bible- “a light in the darkness.” I think it is impossible to have on without the other. For instance in our dark times we will often think about other positive moments that have happened in our lives and in the positive moments it’s the dark moments that have happened in our lives that help us stay grounded and have prospective. It helps us to be thankful for the great moments that we have had in our lives. In dark times people will learn things and use their wisdom to help others.
Beauty and brokenness are intertwined.

“All things work together for good for those who love the lord.”
All things- good or bad, happy or sad, joyful or depressing, lonely or loved, laughing or crying, dark or light. Everything works together. But for good.
After all Joseph went through he was able to say this to his brothers:
“What you intended for bad God intended for good.”
I think that God can often have a wonderful purpose in our brokenness. He can use our dark moments to shape us and to help others and will use our light moments to bless us. Embrace the dark and the light moments in your life. But with a “God like” attitude. Even though you may be broken you are still glorious because God is working within you.

Friday, 12 June 2009

life fuel

have you ever wanted to just get away from it all? From the stresses and busy moments of life? Sometimes i wish life had a pause button. It's hard to keep up with it sometimes. Recently I have been really tired and unmotivated. I mean really. A few weeks ago i have spent 2 days in bed because I felt that tired- i was physically sick and tired. It was like God and (my body) had to let me get to that stage to make me stop. I'm a busy person. I never rest (much!) I'm always on the go- school, revison, work, church, friends, family, serving, school, revison, chores, church, family, friends... i never seem to stop! And the exam season didn't make it any better. i spent most of the day with my head down working hard... it's a good theory in practice but it didn't work out that way. I reached the point where i felt numb, tired and dead (not physically). God certainly knew how to get my attention! it was like he was saying- "Ruth chill out, rest in me because your energy and 'life fuel' comes from me, come and spend some time with me." i had also been neglecting my devotions. ( yeah that was not such a good idea!) I needed to think about what i was doing, slow down and get back with God.

Genesis 2:2 (New International Version)
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.

I like to think that I am following God's example. well to do that I had to stop. Besides the whole world was not sucked into a black hole when God rested- so i'm sure the world be okay if i rest.

Genesis 4:12 (New International Version)
When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth."

Sound familar? I had worked my "ground" so hard that i was no longer yeilding "crops" in my life.

Matthew 11:29 (New International Version)
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

I really did find rest when i slowed down and spent some time with God. I found unexplainable rest and refreshment. I realised that i was only able to keep going with his spirt and "life fuel". In him i am alive. In him i can live.