Sunday, 24 January 2010

keep looking

God is everywhere. He is in the:

• pretty flowers
• dew and raindrops on the spider webs
• the sunset and sunrise
• the stars and galaxies
• the thunder and lightning storms
• the rain and sunshine
• the animals
• the laugh of a child
• the innocent eyes of a newborn
• the humour of your friends as you joke in the coffee house
• the wise words of a friend
• the wise words of scriptures
• the inspirational words of a worship song
• prophetic words and visions
• the moments when you can’t help but smile
• the moment when you jump up and down for joy
• the moments when all you can do is weep
• the moments when you are trying to piece back together your insides

Do you go through each day and miss him? Does God feel a millon miles away? God is closer than you first thought. God is everywhere. But are your eyes open? Do you really look for him? sometimes God can be in the whispers and shouts of your day. you need to look and listen. God is never a millon miles away. Sometimes you just need to look harder.

Let God speak to you every day and every minute of your living. Sometimes i go out on a walk in the countryside to be inspired, awed, tummy turned, amazed and excited by God's beautiful creation. Sometimes i go out for a walk in the countryside just to see that life just keeps on going- the flowers keep on growing and the animals are carrying on with their life. Let God use the world to speak words of wisdom right in the depth of your soul. open those eyes. Get out there and see the beautiful.